The main amendments brought by the Ordinance are the substantial increase in fines, and the extension the obligation to display the energy performance certificate.

Thus, in accordance with the law, the obligation to display the certificate is incumbent to all interest and public utility buildings, as well to buildings which are frequently visited by the public, such as single-family homes; apartment buildings; offices; educational buildings; hospitals; hotels and restaurants; constructions for sporting activities; buildings for commercial services; other types of energy-consuming buildings.

So, in addition to the prior regulation the obligation to display the certificate was extended to other categories of buildings, not only those of interest and public utility: “In order to inform the public on energy consumption in buildings and the mobilization of their respective owners in promoting actions on increasing the energy performance, the certificate is displayed in all categories of buildings of interest and public utilities, as well as those set forth in art. 6 paragraph (1) that are frequently visited by the public. “

Regarding the offenses committed under the respective law, failure to fulfill the obligation to display the certificate constitutes an offense punishable by a fine of between 1,250 lei and 2,500 lei, compared to the previous regulation according to which the fine was between 250 lei and 500 lei.

Through the amendments to Law, the energy performance certificate of the building is the document drawn up according to the methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings, through which is indicated the energy performance of a building or building unit that includes data on energy consumption primary and final, including renewable energy, and the amount of emissions in CO2 equivalent. For existing buildings, the certificate includes recommended measures to reduce energy consumption and to increase the use of renewable energy share in total consumption.

The energy performance certificate is elaborated for: categories of buildings specified in Art. 6 paragraph (1) and units that are built, sold, rented or undergo major renovations; b) buildings owned / managed by public authorities or institutions providing public services. The certificate shall be drawn up and issued by energy auditor for buildings, at the request of the investor / owner / manager of the building / unit building and is valid for 10 years from the date of issuance shown on the certificate, except when for the building / unit building where there is a validity certificate, major renovations are made to change its energy consumption.

The certificate contains values ‹‹calculated in accordance with the technical regulations in force on energy consumption and CO2 emissions, allowing the investor / owner / manager of the building / building unit to compare and assess the energy performance of the building / unit building.