According to the Order, within 60 days from the date of entry into force, ie until the date of 23.05.2015, the suppliers of electricity and natural gas are required to harmonize their own internal procedures with the framework procedure regarding the obligation of the suppliers of electricity and gas to solve the complaints of end clients.
Under the new rules of the Procedure, it is applicable to any claim raised by a complaint, petition or any other form, defined as the expression of dissatisfaction of end clients, addressed to the suppliers of electricity and natural gas, on the activities performed by them, which is explicitly or implicitly expected a response or resolution.
The suppliers of electricity and natural gas are required to organize and conduct the activity regarding the settlement of complaints from end users, by setting up a proper system for retrieving, recording, analyzing, and resolving customer complaints regarding violations of their rights thereof, following the correct application of the law, including written communication to them, within the legal terms, of the conclusion resulted from the analysis of the complaint.
According to Procedure, taking complaints from end users is done using the following methods: a) by single points of contact of suppliers, at the moment of the submission in writing; b) by means of a call center; c) via e-mail; d) through the online form; d) by fax; e) by mail.
To achieve the activity of solving the complaints, the providers are required to make available to end customers, at all points, respectively on their website, “the complaint registration form” – sections A and B, as illustrated in Appendix. 1, on paper and in electronic format, and to proceed to counseling the final client.
The completed form is submitted by the end client to the supplier for registration in the “Unique Register of records of final customer complaints”, according to the model in Appendix 2. The supplier is obliged to submit to the final customer, upon registration, but no later than the second business day from receipt of the completed form, the number and date of registration of the complaint.
Analysis of complaints is made based on the documentary evidence provided by the end user. In case the complaint analysis cannot be performed due to objective reasons, in the “Unique Registry of Evidence of final customer complaints” under “Conclusions” will be mentioned “Complaint unresolved”, stating in section C of Registration Form of the complaint ” the causes and proper information of the final customer.
The provider informs the customer in writing final conclusion on analyzing the complaint, how to handle and legal basis, also completing section C of “the complaint registration form” and “Unique Registry of Evidence final customer complaints.”
Depending on the results of analyzing of the complaint, the provider takes the following actions:
a) in case the complaint is justified (in favor of the final customer), he appropriates the conclusion of the analysis of the complaint and shall be obliged to restore the end customer in rights under the law, according to the legal provisions, including by reimbursement and / or compensation of the actual amounts due, where appropriate ;
b) if the complaint is unfounded (to the detriment of the final customer) or is outstanding, he prepares a response for the end customer in this regard.
If the end user does not accept the solution proposed by the supplier, or if he does not receive a response from the supplier within the legal term, he may appeal to ANRE. The procedure for complaints by ANRE does not affect the right end clients to address the courts to resolve the complaints.
Twice a year, the management of suppliers of electricity and natural gas analyzes the work on solving the end customer complaints and establishes the necessary corrective measures.
The supplier publishes on its website and transmits to ANRE activity reports regarding the activity for solving the complaints, containing the following information: the number of complaints received, total and broken by the means of taking over mentioned in art. 6, respectively by the end customer type (domestic or non-domestic) total and broken down by categories of complaints set out in art. 2, respectively, for each category established in art. 2, synthesis on how to solve them and remedies established respectively according to Appendix 3-5.