1. Romanian Order no. 1447/2023 for the amendment and completion of some regulations regarding the financial-accounting documents

The reconstitution provided by these norms is mandatory for the lost, stolen or destroyed financial-accounting documents, which are within the retention period provided by the Romanian accounting law.

The mandatory accounting records and the supporting documents that are the basis of the records in the financial accounting are kept in the archive of the persons provided in art. 1 of the accounting law for 5 years calculated from 1 July of the year following the end of the financial year in which they were drawn up, including for payrolls.

2. Romanian Decree no. 718/2023 for the promulgation of the Romanian Law on the completion of the Romanian Law no. 241/2005 for the prevention and combating of tax evasion

The Romanian Law on the completion of the Romanian Law no. 241/2005 for the prevention and combating of tax evasion is promulgated.

It is a crime and is punishable by imprisonment from 7 to 15 years and a ban on the exercise of rights any action or inaction committed in fraudulent cross-border schemes with the effect of diminishing by at least EUR 10,000,000, in the equivalent of the national currency, of the resources of the budget of the European Union, by:

a) use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete VAT returns or documents;
b) non-disclosure of VAT information, when this information must be disclosed in accordance with the law;
c) presentation of correct VAT returns to fraudulently mask non-payment or the establishment of undue rights to VAT refunds.

Attempting to commit the crime is punishable.