- Romanian Order no. 1,288/708/2023 on the amending and supplementing of the Order of the delegated Minister for European Funds and of the President of the National Agency for public Procurement no. 6.712/890/2017 regarding the approval of the procurement procedure within the projects with European funding implemented in partnership
- The authorities with competence in the management of European funds, respectively the managing authorities/intermediate bodies/program operators/payment authority for the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, hereinafter referred to as PCER, are obliged to modify the operational procedures and any other internal regulations incident, in order to comply with the provisions of this order, as the case may be.
- Article 7 is amended as follows: In the case of projects implemented in partnership between a contracting authority and a legal entity without the status of contracting authority, for the award of public procurement agreements/framework agreements whose estimated value excluding VAT, according to the calculation of the estimated value of the procurement, as it is regulated by the provisions of Article 9-25 of Romanian Law no. 98/2016, as amended and supplemented, is lower than the value threshold provided for in Article 7 paragraph (1) letter d) of that law and having as object social services and other specific services, provided in Appendix no. 2 to Romanian Law no. 98/2016, as amended and supplemented, will proceed as follows: The members of the partnership who have the capacity of contracting authorities shall carry out the award procedure in accordance with the provisions of Article 68 paragraph (1) letter h) in conjunction with the provisions of Article 111 of Law no. 98/2016, as amended and supplemented.
- Romanian Order no. 17/2023 approving the methodology for monitoring the retail electricity market
- The evaluation of the efficiency of the supply activity and the determination of the degree of competition on the market is carried out through the set of indicators defined by this methodology, which is the working and analysis tool used by National Energy Regulatory Agency (NAER, the Romanian ANRE) in the activity of monitoring the retail electricity market.
- NAER follows the behavior of the participants in the retail electricity market and the implications on non-household and household final customers, with emphasis on the analysis of situations in which suspicions arise regarding their possible anti-competition practices/behaviors. The main quantitative indicators pursued in the monitoring of the retail electricity market relate to the level of prices, their evolution over certain periods of time, comparisons by type of end customers and annual consumption tranches made between average prices resulting from the supply activity.