1. Romanian Order no. 328/2023 amending and supplementing the Methodological norms regarding the control of waste transfers, approved by the order of the Romanian Minister of Environment, waters and forests no. 1.647/2022


  • The organizers of waste transfers, provided in these methodological norms, have the obligation to register all transactions / operations that will be performed in the it application R.O.A.F.M.


  • All shipments of waste are subject to the specialized control of the National Environmental Guard.


  • The discharge of waste to other places than the destination mentioned in the documents accompanying the transport is prohibited.



  1. Regulation on the finding of contraventions and the application of sanctions by the Naval Supervisory Board, 17.01.2023


  • The finding of the contravention and the application of the sanction are made by minutes drawn up by the personnel within the organizational structure, empowered with inspection powers by order of the President of the Competition Council.


  • The amount representing the amount of the fine applied as a sanction for the contravention found by decision of the Board of Supervisors in the naval field is paid by the infringer by cash, payment order or by online means of payment, in the dedicated accounts, at the units of the State Treasury, to the state budget, within 30 days of notification of the decision.


  • The amount representing the amount of the fine applied as a sanction for the contravention established by the report shall be paid by the offender by cash or payment order to the state budget, within 15 days from the communication of the report.