The Romanian Law no. 121/2024 on offshore eolian energy
The authorization to establish the energy capacity is issued by ANRE, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 123/2012, with subsequent amendments and completions, as well as of the specific regulations approved by ANRE.
The establishment permit and development approval for the construction of the offshore eolian power station entitle the holder of the concession agreement to build an offshore eolian power station in a specific area defined by the offshore eolian perimeter conceded and perform works for connection to the electricity transmission network at the point/points agreed(e) with the transmission system operator.
All daily, periodic or temporary operations intended to keep in operation, optimization or safe maintenance of the offshore wind power plant and interconnecting lines, namely: repairs, maintenance, emergency interventions are exempt from the development approval provided by this law.
The Romanian Law no. 122/2024 for the introduction, amendment or completion of the mention regarding the transposition of the European Union rules in certain normative acts, as well as for the amendment and completion of Law no. 302/2004 On international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and Law no. 135/2010 on the Code of Criminal Procedure
Any non-exercise of the right to be assisted by a lawyer chosen during the criminal proceedings must be voluntary and unequivocal and does not prevent further exercise at any time during the criminal proceedings, of this right. In case of non-exercise of the right to be assisted by an elected lawyer, the suspect or defendant is informed by the judicial bodies, in a simple and accessible language, about the content of the right and the possible consequences of not exercising it.
The suspect or defendant may not exercise the right to be assisted by an elected attorney. The non-exercise of this right by the suspect or defendant must be voluntary and unequivocal, it may be brought to the attention of the judicial body orally or in writing and does not prevent further exercise, at any time during the criminal proceedings, the right to be assisted by an elected lawyer.