Romanian Ordinance no. 24/2024 amending and supplementing the Romanian Law no. 152/1998 on the establishment of the Romanian National Housing Agency
The rental contracts are concluded for a period of 5 years from the date of distribution of the dwelling and will include clauses regarding the recalculation of the rent for the contract holders who have reached the age of 35 years, the annual update of the rent amount, depending on the weighting coefficient provided in paragraph (9), as well as the annual inflation rate provided in par. (11).
Young people’s rental housing may be sold to rental contract holders only upon their request, after the expiration of at least 6 consecutive years from the date of conclusion of the first rental agreement, to the same holder and/or to the person for whose benefit the rental was continued under the law, without the sale being conditioned by the age of the applicant and without a sale ban, or after at least one uninterrupted year from the date of conclusion of the first rental agreement, subject to the registration of the sale ban for a period of 5 years from the date of their acquisition to the registration of ownership in the land register, under the law.
The Romanian Ordinance no. 9/2024 amending the Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance no. 97/2005 on the bookkeeping, domicile, residence and identity documents of Romanian citizens
The community public service of persons is obliged to communicate, at the request of Romanian citizens, within 10 days, the data relating to the domicile of the person concerned in Romania and any mention of the civil status, starting from 1 January 2000.
For the registration of the residence, the applicant shall complete the application for the establishment of the residence, which he shall submit together with his identity document, with one of the documents provided in Article 28 para. (1) letter a), b) or, as the case may be, letter d) (acts concluded under the validity conditions provided by the Romanian legislation in force, regarding the locative title; written declaration of the host, natural person or legal person, receiving in space; document issued by the local public administration authority, showing that the applicant or, where appropriate, its host is listed in the Agricultural Register, with residential property) and with an affidavit declaring that it lives in that location more than 15 days per month.