1. Romanian Law no. 175/2023 on the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 125/2022 for the amendment and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 196/2005 on the Environmental Fund.
The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 125 of September 16, 2022 for the amendment and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 196/2005 on the Environmental Fund, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 922 of September 20, 2022, with the following amendments and completions:
a) The Fund Administration may collaborate with the administrative-territorial units or with the administrative-territorial subdivisions of the municipalities, through multi-annual delegation contracts concluded with them, in order to jointly carry out projects and programs for environmental protection that have as beneficiaries the financing from the Environmental Fund individuals.
b) Contribution to the circular economy collected from owners or, as the case may be, administrators of landfills for municipal waste, construction waste and disposal, intended for disposal, in the amount provided in annex no. 2; the quantities of CLO waste from an integrated municipal waste treatment plant are exempted from paying the contribution to the circular economy, which owns or uses a laboratory accredited / authorized by the Romanian Accreditation Association ( RENAR ); checking the quantities, including the quantities provided for in the regulatory acts and the quality of the reported material, it is performed by the National Environmental Guard based on analysis bulletins and other accompanying documents.
c) Ecotax, worth 0.15 RON / piece, applied to all transport bags, except those made of materials that comply with the requirements of SREN 13432: 2002; the ecotax is collected from economic operators who place such packaging on the national market and is highlighted separately on the sales documents, and its value is displayed in a visible place at the point of sale / sale, in order to inform the final consumers. Household bags placed on the national market by economic operators are exempted from the payment of the ecotax, they are obliged to inscribe them individually with the phrase « household bags »; it is forbidden to sell household bags as packaging at the point of sale / sale.
2. Romanian Order no. 755/2023 for the amendment and completion of orders of the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment regarding the financing of small and medium enterprises and the HORECA field for installation
The Minister of Energy issues the following order:
For beneficiaries who rightly request the extension of the implementation period by presenting documents certifying that they have been in one of the situations not attributable to the beneficiaries such as, but not limited to, delay in the delivery of equipment due to blockages caused by the war in Ukraine or delay in the issuance of connection certificates by network operators, the financing authority may approve the extension of the implementation period by a maximum of 90 days, but not exceeding 30.09.2023 and not exceeding the maximum period of 6 ( six ) cumulative years for the implementation and monitoring periods.
The implementation of the project is carried out within 12 months from the signing of the non-reimbursable financing contracts or until 30.09.2023 in the situations previously provided, deadlines within which the Beneficiary submits the connection certificate and completes all formalities regarding the reception of the photovoltaic panel system and recharging stations, the issuance of the invoice and the payment of its own contribution.