1. Order no. 626/2023 on the consumer price index used to update the advance payments based on the annual corporate tax
  • For fiscal year 2023, the consumer price index used to update the foreseeable payments to the annual corporate tax account is 109.6%.
  • The General Directorate of tax legislation and Customs and Accounting Regulations, the General Regional Directorates of public finances, as well as the General Directorate for the Administration of taxpayers will carry out the provisions of this order.


  1. Ordinance No. 7/2023 on the quality of water intended for human consumption
  • The supply, treatment and distribution of water intended for human consumption is subject to a risk-based approach covering the entire water supply chain, from the river basin, through the capture, treatment, storage and distribution of water.
  • The risk-based approach includes:
  1. the assessment and management of risks relating to river basins at water abstraction points intended for human consumption;
  2. the assessment and risk management of each supply system, including the abstraction, treatment, storage and distribution of water intended for human consumption up to the point of supply, carried out by water suppliers in the framework of water safety plans;
  3. risk assessment of internal distribution systems.
  • Water suppliers carry out periodic risk assessment and management related to the drinking water supply system, within the framework of water safety plans in accordance with the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Environment, water and forests and the Ministry of Development, public works and administration no. 2.721/2.551/2.727/2022 regarding the approval of the general framework for water safety plans, as well as for establishing the responsibilities of the competent authorities and of water producers and/or distributors regarding the preparation, evaluation and approval of water safety plans.