1. Romanian procedure for recovering improperly issued green certificates from 05.04.2023
If, following the monitoring process of the promotion system through green certificates or a notification received from a third party, ANRE (National Energy Regulatory Authority) finds that a producer of electricity from renewable sources has benefited from improperly issued green certificates, it starts the analysis process based on supporting documents on improper green certificates.
If from the information submitted by the operator of the green certificates market to the transmission system operator it appears that the improperly issued certificates are on the producer account in the Register of green certificates of the economic operator concerned, the transmission and system operator requests the green certificate market operator to cancel the respective green certificates, informing the economic operator and ANRE.
2. Romanian Order no. 417/2023 amending and supplementing the order of the President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration no. 675/2018 regarding the approval of indirect methods of establishing revenues and the procedure for their application
To verify the personal tax situation of individuals, the tax authorities carry out the following preliminary activities:
a) risk analysis;
b) notification of compliance;
c) selection of persons who will be subject to the verification of their personal tax situation.
The activity of managing the risks of non-compliance in the declaration of taxable income can be achieved by developing proposals for the verification of the personal tax situation, taking into account the value of the risk of non-compliance, in descending order, and drawing up the list of natural persons proposed for the verification of the personal tax situation.