Order No. 2192/2023 for the approval of the Funding Guide of the Program for improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using less polluting vehicles such as electric, hybrid, and compressed natural gas microbuses for student transport
Considering the Approval Memorandum of the Environmental Fund Administration No. 59/ALA dated 11.07.2023 of the Funding Guide of the Program for Improving Air Quality and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Using Less Polluting Vehicles such as Electric, Hybrid, and Compressed Natural Gas Microbuses for Student Transport, as well as the List of Priority Project Categories benefiting from financial allocations in 2023 from the proceeds of greenhouse gas emissions certificates auction, approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment, Waters, and Forests No. 331/2023*), with subsequent modifications,
*) Order of the Minister of Environment, Waters, and Forests No. 331/2023 has not been published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
Based on the provisions of Article 12 paragraph (4) of the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 115/2011 regarding the establishment of the institutional framework and the authorization of the Government, through the Ministry of Finance, to auction the greenhouse gas emissions certificates allocated to Romania at the European Union level, approved by Law No. 163/2012, with subsequent modifications and completions, of Article 57 paragraph (1), (4), and (5) of the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2019 regarding the Administrative Code, with subsequent modifications and completions, as well as Article 13 paragraph (4) of the Government Decision No. 43/2020 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Environment, Waters, and Forests, with subsequent modifications and completions,
the Minister of Environment, Waters, and Forests issues this order.
Article 1.
The Funding Guide of the Program for Improving Air Quality and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Using Less Polluting Vehicles such as Electric, Hybrid, and Compressed Natural Gas Microbuses for Student Transport, attached as an integral part of this order, is approved.
Article 2.
This order shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I