Romanian Emergency Ordinance no. 108/2023 amending and supplementing the Romanian Competition Law no. 21/1996, as well as other normative acts

In the exercise of the powers provided for by this law, the Competition Council shall ensure the observance of adequate guarantees in respect of the rights of defense of enterprises, including the right to be heard and the right to an effective remedy in court.

Any actions or inactions of central or local public administration authorities, institutions and entities to which they delegate their duties, which restrict, prevent or distort competition, such as:

a) the limitation of the freedom of trade or the autonomy of undertakings exercised in compliance with legal regulations;

b) the establishment of discriminatory conditions for the activity of undertakings.

are prohibited.

Romanian Law no. 362/2023 amending and supplementing the Romanian Law no. 254/2013 on the execution of punishments and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies during the criminal trial

For the purpose of social reintegration of convicted persons, the National Administration of Penitentiaries shall, in collaboration with other authorities or public institutions or other legal entities of public law, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and, programs of national interest, which are approved by Government decision, intended to facilitate the access of convicted persons to educational, psychological and social services.

The technical and methodological norms for the implementation of programs of national interest for the purpose of social reintegration of convicted persons are approved by order of the minister of justice, which is published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I. If the implementation of programs of national interest for the purpose of social reintegration of convicted persons also involves the competences of specialized bodies of central public administration, the technical and methodological norms are approved by common order of the minister of justice and the heads of these bodies.