1. The Law no. 8/2022 for the amendment of art. 257 para. (4) of the Law no. 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code

In the article 257 of Law no. 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code the paragraph (4) is amended and as a novelty element is introduced “forestry staff invested with the exercise of public authority”.
Therefore, the Outrage criminal offense will be retained against this category of persons, the previous provisions regarding the police officers or gendarmerie remaining in force.

2. The Romanian National Gambling Office – ONJN- The instructions on preventing and fighting money laundering and terrorist financing in the field of gambling law in Romania, from 21.12.2021, Integral part of Order 370/2021

The gambling service providers in Romania shall carry out their own risk assessments in accordance with established internal policies, through which they identify, assess and manage the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing, regarding the customers, the type of gambling activities , the way through which they are offered, the type of transactions (including the purchase / exchange of tokens) and the connections with the geographical areas, so that they can reasonably demonstrate to ONJN and other authorities the ability to understand and properly manage money laundering and terrorist financing to which they are or could be exposed.
The gambling service providers constantly monitor/verify the evolution of risk indicators and periodically review their risk assessment.
The roles and responsibilities of employees involved in enforcing the rules are included in the job descriptions or internal documents.

3. Order no. 1592/2021 for amending and supplementing the accounting regulations which are applicable to economic operators

The share capital presented in the annual financial statements must correspond to that which is registered at the trade register office.
The removal of an asset that constituted a contribution to the share capital from the register does not change the share capital, excepting the situations provided by the legislation .In all the cases of changing the share capital, it is carried out based on the decision of the general meeting of the shareholders, in compliance with the legislation.

4. The Law no. 22/2022 for the amendment and supplementing of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002 regarding the regime of the foreigners in Romania

In the article 2, after the letter n3) the letter n4) is inserted, having the following content:
 Digital nomad- the foreigner who is employed by an employment contract at a company which is registered outside Romania and who provides services through the use of information and communication technology or who owns a company registered outside Romania, in which he provides services through the use of information and communication technology and he can carry out employee activity or activity within the company, remotely, by using information and communication technology
The long-stay visa for other purposes is granted, upon request, by the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania from the country where they have their residence or domicile to the following category of foreigners, according to the amendment:
 The digital nomads who want to travel and stay in Romania, while continuing to earn income from the employment contract with a company registered outside Romania or from activities carried out by a company registered by them outside Romania, by using technology information and communications, if they cumulatively meet the following conditions:
(i) they have the means of subsistence obtained from the activity carried out, in the amount of at least three times the average gross monthly salary in Romania for each of the last 6 months prior to the date of filing the visa application, as well as for the entire period registered in the visa
(ii) they carry out the activities from which they obtain income, from a distance, by using information and communication technology

5. The Emergency Ordinance no. 2/2022 regarding the establishment of social protection measures for employees and other professional categories in the context of prohibition, suspension or limitation of economic activities, determined by the epidemiological situation generated by the spread of SARS-CoV-2, as well as for amending and supplementing some normative acts

From the date of entry into force of this emergency ordinance and until March 31, 2022, for the period of temporary suspension of the individual employment contract, at the initiative of the employer, as a result of the effects of SARS-CoV-2, the employee benefits are set at 75% of the basic salary corresponding to the job, being supported by the unemployment insurance budget, but not more than 75% of the average gross earnings provided by the Law no 318/2021
The allowance is granted and calculated according to the number of days in which the activity was suspended,
When an employee has concluded several individual employment contracts and all of them are suspended, he benefits from the indemnity related to the individual employment contract having the most advantageous salary rights.