The project was coordinated by DRD Radu Catalin Pavel, Managing Partner at Pavel, Margarit & Associates. Team was completed by three senior lawyers working in the department Commercial, Mergers&Acquisitions.
This was a very complex project, taking into account the diversity of commercial and legal business relations of the company acquiered by London based company. Our role was to protect Vast Resources interests in this transaction and to prevent any potential risk that could endenger the buyer in the future. Taking into account that Vast Resources PLC and the seller, Mr. Ni Jinming, were associates for almost two years, the purchase agreement underlined all the agreements concerning Ni Jinmings exit of Board of Directors, said Radu Catalin Pavel.
Pavel, Margarit & Associates was the only legal advicer for Vast Resources PLC in acquiring the minority stake owned by the Chinese businessman.
This transaction was a challenge for us, we cautioned any potential future risks that could endanger british investor and legally prevented them by inserting special clauses in the selling agreement. We secured Vast Resources position by inserting rights and obligations for both seller and buyer, by preventing sanctions in case of neglecting obligations and also by inserting penal clauses to protect our clients rights. Also these may seem general clauses, involved in any M&A transaction, compared to similar cases that we studied and to the ones where we were legal advicers, some acquisitions are atypical, so our role was to legally transpose in the contract all the agreements between buyer and seller and to legally secure this transaction, said the coordinating lawyer, Radu Catalin Pavel.
Through this transaction, Vast Resources PLC took full control over Sinarom Mining Group SRL, wich ownes Mina Manaila. This means the AIM-listed mining company took full control over Manaila polymetallic mine.
Vast Resources ownes mines in Romania and Zimbabwe. Transanctions value was over one million US dollars.
Pavel, Margarit & Associates has a large experience in M&A sector, legally advicing companies activating in metallurgic and energetical area, for transactions of milions of euro.
Pavel, Margarit & Associatess team includes one of the most experienced lawyers in business restructuring, insolvency and M&A areas. Legal 500, the worlds most prestigious law firm guide, London based, ranked this year Pavel, Margarit & Associates on second place in Romania in a table that reunites law firms with the most relevant experience in Restructuring and Insolvency. In the same guide, Pavel, Margarit & Associates rankes fourth place in a ranking table including local law firms activating in Real estate and Constructions area, and on fifth position in the ranking table including law firms activating in Commercial, Corporate and M&A area.
Pavel, Margarit & Asociates was also ranked in IFLR 1000 Financial and Corporate guide, one of the most prestigious publications in law area in entire world, wich reunites law firms with expertise in Financial and Corporate area from more than 120 jurisdictions.
Pavel, Margarit & Associates is also the only law firm recommended by the international director Global Law Experts, London based, in Dispute Resolutions area.