The Romanian Emergency Ordinance no. 28/2022 on the amendment of some normative acts

  • At the article 1 of the Romanian Emergency Ordinance no. 15/2022 on providing support and humanitarian assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens or apatrids in special situations, coming from the area of the military operations in Ukraine, the paragraph (10) is amended and it will have the following content: ,,Natural person from Romania who host foreign citizens or stateless persons/apatrids in special situations, coming from the area of the armed conflict in Ukraine, benefit from the settlement from the budget of the county/Bucharest-Ilfov inspectorate of the expenses in the amount of 4EUR / day / person for food and 10EUR / day / person for accommodation. The settlement mechanism is established by the Romanian Government. “


The Romanian Emergency Ordinance no. 26/2022 on the amendment and supplement of some normative acts in the field of the public investments

  • The Romanian Law no. 101/2016 on remedies and appeals in the field of the award of public procurement contracts in Romania, utilities contracts and works and services concession contracts in Romania, as well as for the organization and functioning of the Romanian National Council for Solving Complaints was amended by the Romanian GEO no. 26/2022, and the most important aspects are:
  • The disputes and requests arising from the execution of the administrative contracts and those arising from the termination, unilateral termination or early termination of the public procurement contracts in Romania for reasons beyond the control of the contracting authority shall be settled in the first Court, at the Civil section of the Romanian Court from the district where the office of the contracting authority is located or in the district in which the applicant has the headquarter / domicile.
  • If the Romanian contracting authority definitively wins the appeal filed in the public procurement procedure, it shall be required to take the necessary actions for the retention of the bail which was lodged at the Council by the economic operator who submitted the appeal, in order to cover the damages created by the delays in completing the award procedure in Romania.


The Romanian Law no. 63/2022 regarding the approval of the Romanian Emergency Ordinance no. 61/2020 on the supplement of the Romanian Law on cadastre and real estate advertising no. 7/1996 and for the amendment and supplement Romanian Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019 on the Romanian Administrative Code

  • The significant amendments of the Romanian Law on cadastre and real estate advertising no. 7/1996 are:
  • The application for registration, reception or approval can be submitted online through the computer system of cadastre and land book in Romania, together with the document stating the act or legal fact whose registration is required or, if necessary, the document for which the reception or approval is requested.
  • The registration of the application in the computer system is done on the basis of an access mechanism, which presents guarantees to make the full faith on the identity of the person who makes the registration, and the responsibility for the accuracy of the data lies with the registrant.
  • The certification of the authenticity and the legal force of the document in electronic format are given by the qualified electronic signature of the Romanian National Agency.