1.The Order no. 430/2022 for amending and supplementing the Regulation on the implementation, verification and reception of the systematic cadastral works and the ex officio registration of the property in the land book, approved through the Order of the General Directorate of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising in Romania no. 1/2020

  • The settlement of the rectification requests is realized by the RomanianCommission for the settlement of the rectification requests, composed of the representatives of the Romanian Office of Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising, of the territorial administrative units, and of the Provider, assigned to fulfill these attributions.
  • Requests for rectification are settled through a report which is communicated under the conditions of the Romanian Code of Civil Procedure.
  • A complaint can be filed against the report in the court in whose jurisdiction the building is located in Romania, within 15 days from the communication.
  • If the settlement of the request involves changes to other properties, the details associated with these properties are updated or corrected. In these situations, through the report, which is communicated to all the parties involved, it is ordered to update / correct the details regarding the affected buildings.

2.The procedure for refunding the dividend tax derived from the annual regularization of the dividends partially distributed during the year, from 19.04.2022, Integral part of the Romanian Order 765/2022, issued by The National Agency for Tax Administration in Romania

  • The object of this procedure is the dividend tax paid in addition to the Romanian state budget, resulting from the annual regularization of dividends partially distributed during the year, according to the art. 67 of the Romanian Companies Law no. 31/1990 , after the restitution of the dividends received in addition by the shareholders or after the approval of the annual financial statements in the case of dividends distributed and unpaid, until the end of the year in which their distribution was approved.
  • If from the annual regularization of the dividends, paid as a result of the partial distribution during the year, results amount that should to be returned, the dividend payer may request their refund.
  • If the dividend payer in Romania has tax obligations, including fines of any kind and other debts to the state budget, sent for recovery to the competent tax authority, the amount resulting from the annual regularization of the dividends shall be refunded only after compensation, according to the Romanian Code of Fiscal Procedure.