Romanian Law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates ranked top places in several raking tables published this year by Legal 500, worlds most prestigious law firm guide, London based. The law firm ranked on top places in the table of business Law firm specialised in Commercial, Corporate, Mergers&Acquisitions area, in the ranking table of the Law firms specialised in Real estate and Constructions area, and also ranked among top players in Insolvency and Restructuring area.

These rankings offered by worlds most prestigious law firm guide are the more important as this was the first year that Pavel, Margarit & Associates participated to rankings realised by Legal 500, London, UK.

Second place in Restructuring and Insolvency area

Pavel, Margarit & Associates ranked second place in Romania in the ranking table that reunites law firm with the most relevant experience in Restructuring and Insolvency area. Other Law firms that ranked the same position were Clifford Chance Badea; Dentons Mușat & Asociații; Schoenherr și Asociații SCA; Voicu & Filipescu SCA; Wolf Theiss; Zamfirescu, Racoți & Partners; Bondoc &Asociații SCA in alliance with White & Case; bpv Grigorescu Ştefănică.

Recommending the Romanian Law firm, Legal 500 states: Pavel, Margarit & Associates team is united, smart and supportive. It has a particular strength in industrial-related insolvency work, often advising insolvent companies. Radu-Catalin Pavel advised an iron and steel producer on its successful rehabilitation.

According to statistics, less than 5% insolvent companies succed in restructuring and become viable. Statistical data make more precious this successfull rehabilitation.

Fourth place in Real estate and Construction area

The same prestigious London based guide Legal 500 ranks law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates on fourth place in Romania in Real estate and Construction area. On the same position we may find the Law firms Boanță Gîdei și Asociații; Dragne și Asociații; Firon Bar-Nir& Co; Laurentiu, Laurentiu&Asociatii; Leroy și Asociații; Mitel și Asociații; Rădulescu &Musoi Attorneys at Law; Stoica și Asociații; Stratulat Albulescu Attorneys at Law, VASS Lawyers.

Pavel, Margarit & Associates is very knowledgeable in real estate and construction. Radu-Catalin Pavel, who has extensive experience, advised a developer on a 90-property residential development near Henri Coandă International Airport is the presentation that Legal 500 makes to Romanian law firm, talking about relevant experience.

Fifth place in the table ranking lawyers specialised in Commercial, Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions area

Also, Legal 500 ranks Law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates in Commercial, Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions area. Next to Romanian Law firm we find, on the same position, these Law firms: Boanță Gîdei și Asociații; Dragne și Asociații; Ionescu și Sava; Laurentiu, Laurentiu&Asociatii; Peterka& Partners, Pop & Partners, Rădulescu & Musoi Attorneys at Law; Zamfirescu, Racoti & Partners.

Pavel, Margarit & Associates is at the top of its game, applying brilliant ideas when needed, is the the law firm introduction in Legal 500, at this chapter.

Giving details about firm relevant experience in Mergers and Acquisitions area, Legal 500 states that Radu-Catalin Pavel, who is client-oriented and an excellent legal adviser, assisted an international investor with a 5m purchase of a cold storage facility.

Legal 500 table rankings are realised based on experience in relevant projects in which Law firms offered assistance and representation. Rakings take into account not only projects value, but also clients positive feed-back.

Pavel, Margarit &Associates was also ranked in IFLR 1000 Financial and Corporate guide, one of the most prestigious publications in law area in the entire world, which reunites law firms with expertise in Financial and Corporate area from more than 120 jurisdictions.

Pavel, Margarit & Associates is also the only law firm recommended by the international director Global Law Experts, London based, in Dispute Resolution area.