Pavel, Margarit and Associates Romanian Law Firm assisted an Egyptian citizen in order to obtain information from the Romanian Embassy in the State of Qatar and the competent Civil Status Authority from Romania regarding the application of the matrimonial regime according to the facts of the case. The law in Qatar does not provide for the choice of a matrimonial regime in a mandatory manner, which is why when the marriage certificate was transcribed at the Romanian Embassy in Qatar, he was requested to declare the chosen matrimonial regime, but without being informed of the consequences. The choice of matrimonial regime was of particular importance, including in the aspect of relations between spouses and between them and minor children.

The legal assistance consisted in carrying out legal research on the applicable matrimonial regime considering the particularities of the case, such as the citizenship of the spouses or the place where the marriage was concluded.

Additionally, Pavel, Margarit and Associates Romanian Law Firm assisted the client in relation with the Romanian Embassy in the State of Qatar and the competent Civil Status Authority from Romania with the aim of obtaining information on the applicable matrimonial regime as per the statement given before the Embassy at the time of the marriage has been registered in records of the authority.

Pavel, Margarit and Associates Romanian Law Firm recommends contacting a specialized lawyer in Family law and Civil law in Romania who can advise you on the applicable law regarding the matrimonial regime and assist you in relation with the competent authorities in obtaining any relevant information for this purpose.