Gdpr lawyer Romania. Excessive monitoring of personal data

Gdpr lawyer in Romania. Excessive monitoring of personal data and sanctions in Romania. Any operation involving the registration, storage, or disclosure of personal data (GDPR in Romania) also involve a manifestation of the free and informed will of the person, whereby they accept, either through a GDPR form in Romania or through unequivocal action, that […]

What are the steps to follow in case of violation of the right to the protection of personal data ( GDPR )?

Both national and European legislations guarantee the right to the protection of personal data to any citizen of state that is part of the European Union. The applicable provisions set out the fair treatment of the personal data for specific purposes, ensuring that every individual has the right to access their personal data and to […]

The legal framework for e-commerce in Romania: what you need to know

The legal framework for e-commerce in Romania can be complex and confusing for companies that are new to the market. At the Romanian law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates, we specialize in helping businesses navigate the e-commerce legal landscape in Romania. In this article, we will provide an overview of the legal framework for e-commerce […]