Tag: High Court of Cassation and Justice

Juridical Updates 24 November 2023

The Romanian Decision no. 71/2023 referring to the complaint filed by the Romanian Military Court of Appeal of Bucharest, by decision from May 24, 2023, with a view to issuing a preliminary ruling for the clarification of a legal matter By the decision from May 24, 2023, the Romanian Military Court of Appeal of Bucharest, […]

Juridical Updates 06 October 2023

The Romanian Decision no. 865/2023 for the amendment and completion of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2010 on leave and monthly allowance in Romania for raising children, approved by the Romanian Government Decision no. 52/2011 For granting the child raising allowance from the date […]

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The court seized with solving the claim for payment of the price of a building confiscated abusively, may grant the updated price, according to the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice

The High Court held that in the case the applicant claimed only the restitution of the market price (without having a separate point of complaint regarding the refund of the updated price, paid at the time of concluding the sale purchase agreement, under Law No. 112 / 1995, as amended), the Court may grant the […]