Tag: legal assistance

Exception of unconstitutionality. The obligation to ensure legal assistance during the trial

In justifying the exception of unconstitutionality it is shown that the criticized text discriminates against individuals whose prosecution started under the old Code of Criminal Procedure, or have signed a plea bargain, that can invoke the lack of mandatory legal assistance at any time of criminal trial and individuals prosecuted according to the current Code […]

laptop lawyer property law

DECISION No. 195 of 31 March 2015 on the unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. 29 paragraph 1 d) second theses of the Law of cadastre and real estate No. 7/1996

The author of the exception argues that the provisions under criticism contravene to the constitutional provisions of art. 44 – Right to private property, art. 53 – Restriction of certain rights or freedoms and art. 148 – Integration into the European Union and the Treaty on legal assistance in civil, family and criminal law concluded […]

laptop lawyer property law

It was republished the Law no. 189 of 13.05.2003 on international legal assistance in civil and commercial matters

Release of judicial and extrajudicial documents in and abroad is the formality that aims to bring them to the attention of recipients: parties, witnesses or participants in a civil or commercial lawsuit in the requesting State. The Ministry of Justice is the central authority through which the demanding Romanian authorities release the documents abroad. As […]