Tag: Romanian Law Firm Pavel Margarit and Associates

Real Estate Lawyers

Real Estate Lawyers in Romania. Due diligence and SPA

Real Estate Lawyers in Romania. Due diligence and purchasing an apartment or building in Romania Legally, purchasing/buying an apartment or building in Romania often involves the preliminary signing of a pre-sale and purchase agreement in Romania between the buyer and the real estate developer in Romania. Given that most apartment or building acquisitions in residential […]

How can you proceed in case related to the liability of the administrator of a company in Romania?

The administrator of the company is responsible for all actions or failures to act, as per the obligations provided by the law and of the articles of association of the company. The administrator shall be jointly and severally liable for carrying out the decisions of the general meetings of the shareholders and the activities of […]

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Margarit and Associates successfully assisted a Romanian citizen in order to conclude a debt rescheduling agreement for a significant amount with the National Agency for Fiscal Administration in Romania

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Margarit and Associates successfully assisted a Romanian citizen in order to conclude a debt rescheduling agreement with the National Agency for Fiscal Administration in Romania for a significant amount of money. A lawyer specialized in tax law in Romania can offer you legal assistance and representation in order to obtain […]

The advantages and disadvantages of incorporating a company in Romania

In Romania’s dynamic business landscape, making informed decisions about incorporating a company is crucial. As a reputable law firm in Bucharest, Romanian law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates is committed to providing valuable information on the benefits and challenges of incorporating a business in Romania. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges […]

The impact of the RGPD on Romanian companies: a compliance guide

In the digital age, data protection has become a crucial concern for businesses worldwide. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented by the European Union (EU) in 2018, has had a profound impact on Romanian businesses. As a leading law firm in Bucharest, Romanian law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates is dedicated to helping businesses […]

The most common legal problems facing Romanian startups and how to avoid them

Opening a business in Romania can be both exciting and challenging, especially for Romanian startups facing unique legal issues. To succeed, Romanian entrepreneurs need to be aware of the legal implications involved in their business operations. Here are 10 legal issues Romanian startups should consider: Romanian startups: Starting a business in Romania can be a […]

How to successfully appeal a court decision in Romania

As a Romanian lawyer at Pavel, Margarit & Associates, I understand that appealing a court decision can be a complicated process. However, with the right knowledge and the right approach, it is possible to successfully appeal a court decision in Romania. In this article, we’ll discuss the steps you can take to appeal a court […]

How to protect your intellectual property in Romania: A guide for start-ups

As a founder of a startup in Romania, it is crucial to protect your intellectual property (IP) to ensure long-term success and sustainability of your business. Intellectual property includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, all of which are essential assets of your company. Failing to protect your IP can result in costly legal battles, […]

Top 5 mistakes to avoid when filing for divorce in Romania

Divorce can be a complex and emotional process, but it is important to avoid common mistakes that can make it even more difficult. In Romania, it is essential to have a good understanding of the legal process and to work with experienced lawyers. At the Romanian law firm Pavel, Margarit & Associates, we are committed […]

How can you assess the risks before opening the insolvency procedure for a company in Romania?

Romanian legislation provides for a number of principles applicable to companies at insolvency risk in Romania. Thus, by means of the insolvency procedure in Romania, debtors are provided with a chance to recover the business efficiently, through the debtor’s effective access to early warning means, through insolvency prevention procedures or through the judicial reorganization procedure. […]