Tag: tax law

VAT refund in Romania

VAT refund in Romania

Interest on VAT refund claims in Romania The concept of tax disputes refers to disputes in which one of the involved parties is a public authority and the purpose of the litigation is either the total or partial annulment of an administrative act, or compelling the public authority to issue an administrative act or perform […]

Tax disputes in Romania: Appealing Tax Decisions and Administrative Tax Acts

According to regulations in tax law in Romania, a tax decision and an administrative tax act can be appealed in front of the fiscal authority in order to analyze the validity and legality of the taken measures.The appeal against a tax act is submitted to the issuing fiscal authorities in Romania within 45 days from […]

Employment Agreement/Contract vs. Collaboration Agreement

Employment Agreement /Contract versus Collaboration Agreement /Contract in Romania

Whenever you need a service to be provided as an independent activity, you can choose to conclude a collaboration contract/agreement despite of an individual employment agreement/contract in Romania, regarding the tax differences between those two. The law firm Pavel, Margarit and Associates recommends using a lawyer specialized in labor and tax law who can draft […]