Tag: the Decision

laptop lawyer property law

High Court. Annulment of Shareholders Resolution for conversion of shares. Effects

In the present case subject to the Decision, given that through the claim the plaintiff requested solely the absolute nullity for (i) lack of legal object, (ii) noncompliance with art. 98 of Law no. 31/1990 and (iii) noncompliance with Articles of Association with respect to obtaining the shareholders consent for the transfer of shares, the […]

laptop lawyer property law

Huge fines for parents who do not inform the authorities when their children perform artistic activities

The conditions of development of the activities provided by the children in cultural, artistic, sports, advertising and modeling domains, according to the Decision, are the following: a)     not to represent in hazardous child labor, in accordance with the law; b)    to be conducted, depending on the age of the child, in the following interval: 9.00 […]