Tag: the Romanian state

laptop lawyer property law

The Law amending the criminal record was modified

The law was amended for the need to facilitate the access of Romanian citizens abroad to effective and efficient public services from the Romanian state in the context of computerization of the consular procedures performed by diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania abroad. According to the Ordinance, Law no. 290/2004 was amended and supplemented […]

laptop lawyer property law

CJEU: The Romanian State cannot exempt from the tax vehicles already registered and in respect of which a tax previously in force but found to be incompatible with EU law has been paid

The dispute in Romania was founded on the complaint introduced by Mr. Manea, who requested the registration in Romania of a used vehicle which he bought in Spain. This vehicle belongs to category M1 vehicles and was registered as a new car in Spain in 2005. The Romanian competent authority conditioned the registration with payment […]