According to regulations in tax law in Romania, a tax decision and an administrative tax act can be appealed in front of the fiscal authority in order to analyze the validity and legality of the taken measures.The appeal against a tax act is submitted to the issuing fiscal authorities in Romania within 45 days from the date of communication of the tax act, according to the Fiscal Code and Fiscal Procedure Code and is not subject to extrajudicial stamp duties. The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates recommends confidently contacting a tax attorney in Romania, who can assist in formulating the appeal against a fiscal administrative act, specifically a tax decision, and guide through the procedure, first in administrative disputes and subsequently in a tax dispute resolution in front of judicial courts in Romania.

The appeal can be filed against the claim titles, enforceable titles,  tax decisions and any other administrative decisions. The fiscal authority is obligated to resolve the appeal against the tax decision in Romania within a reasonable period and issue a motivated decision in this regard. In resolving the appeal against the fiscal administrative act, the Romanian fiscal authority verifies the legal reasons underlying the issuance of the tax act, and the analysis of the appeal is made in relation to the parties’ claims, based on their legal interpretation of legal provisions invoked and the documents existing in the case file. In case the Romanian fiscal authority does not respond within the established timeframe or the pronounced solution is unsatisfactory, the regulations in the Fiscal Procedure Code and Fiscal Code provide the possibility to appeal the tax decision in front of the competent judicial administrative court, which is why engaging the services of a tax attorney in Romania is necessary to prepare the documents and grounds for supporting the appeal against tax decision and administrative tax acts and defending the client’s interests in tax disputes.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates is at your disposal to support you in the steps related to appealing tax decisions, administrative decisions or other administrative tax acts in Romania, according to fiscal law. To benefit from the services of a specialized lawyer in tax law, fiscal law and tax disputes in Romania, you can complete the contact form available at

The tax decision issued by the Romanian fiscal authorities together with the administrative tax acts can be appealed in front of the competent judicial administrative court. In case the appeal is not resolved within 6 months from its submission date, the appellant can address to judicial administrative court with a request to annul the tax act. The procedure for resolving the appeal ceases when the fiscal authority in Romania becomes aware of the action in tax disputes filed by the taxpayer and a tax attorney in Romania from Pavel Mărgărit and Associates Romanian Law Firm can ensure compliance with the appeal resolution period and can offer assistance and representation in appealing the tax decision or other administrative tax acts.

Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm is one of the top law firms in Romania, providing high-quality legal services. The firm’s clients include multinational and domestic companies of great magnitude. In 2023, the law firm’s success stories brought it international recognition from the most prestigious international guides and publications in the field. As a result, Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm ranked 3rd in Romania in the Legal 500’s ranking of business law firms with the most relevant expertise. The law firm is internationally recognized by the IFLR 1000 Financial and Corporate 2023 guide. Additionally, Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm is the only law firm in Romania recommended by the international director of Global Law Experts in London in the Dispute Resolution practice area. All relevant information about Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm can be found on the website