The Law Project on the new Fiscal Code was sent for the second time to the Parliament, at the request made by the President of Romania, after the first adoption, by request for review. The request for review was endorsed by the Committee for Budget, Finance and Banks of the Chamber of Deputies, being introduced the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Finance.

These amendments concern mainly the following:

1.     Reduction of  the tax on dividends from 16% to 5%, with the extension of the period until 1 January 2017 and limiting to 5 salaries of the individual contribution base for social health insurance, for individuals which record income from wages or assimilated to salaries, with extension of the period until 1 January 2017;

2.     Reduction of excise duty on fuels, with the extension of the period 1 January 2017 and to eliminate special tax on 1 January 2017, with the exception requested by the Minister of Agriculture on special agricultural buildings, which will be abolished from 1 January 2016

3.     Increase by up to 500% from 1 January 2016, the tax on buildings and untidy land. The measures aim shabby buildings and land in town and will be taken by local councils, in order to determine the owners of buildings / lands to maintain or restore their economic or commercial circuit.

The criteria for classifying buildings as shabby buildings and land category and the procedure shall be adopted by the Local Council. Buildings and grounds from this group will be established according to the nomenclature street.

City Hall inventoried the buildings from central Bucharest, respectively 2208 real estate and identified their owners. This invention was mandatory under the law of facades, and the next step is that owners of the buildings to be notified to repair their homes.

If within one year term the repairs are not made, the city will do repair them and will recover the money from the owners