Romanian citizenship may be obtained by persons who lost this status, as well by their descendants, relatives of maximum second degree, if these ones demand regaining citizenship. The file for regaining of Romanian citizenship includes certificates that require legalization, statements, as well as evidence of the date when citizenship was lost. A Romanian citizenship and immigration lawyer can take care of obtaining the necessary documentation and drafting up the file, in order to obtain citizenship, say specialized lawyers from Pavel, Margarit & Associates Romanian Law Firm.
国家公民局是有权授予罗马尼亚公民身份的罗马尼亚当局。 法律规定的条件是申请人通过他的行为、行动和态度证明对罗马尼亚国家的忠诚,不采取或支持违反法治或国家安全的行动,并声明他过去没有采取这样的行动。 原则上,申请人必须年满18岁。 对于未成年人,该程序必然涉及父母和未成年人就重新获得罗马尼亚公民身份的同意。
1. 护照
3. 公证结婚证
4. If the applicant wasnt previously a Romanian citizen, the following acts of civil status are needed (birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate of change of first/second name, death or divorce certificate etc.), for ascendants (parents, grandparents) former Romanian citizens.
如果申请人没有罗马尼亚国籍,则需要有前父母(父母、祖父母)的公民身份文件(出生证明、结婚、更名、死亡或离婚等)。 申请人必须提交:
– 关于自己的责任声明,表明是否已经提交了另一个罗马尼亚公民身份申请;- 关于自己的责任声明,将表明申请人是否希望在保持国外住所或在罗马尼亚建立住所的同时获得罗马尼亚公民身份;- 自我- 声明,表明申请人目前不支持违反法治或国家安全的行为,过去也不支持;- 申请人未成年子女的民事身份文件,如果适用;- 父母同意获得罗马尼亚语未成年人的公民身份;- 14 岁以上未成年人获得罗马尼亚公民身份的同意书;- 关于丧失罗马尼亚公民身份日期的书面证明。 如果没有这种证明,则需要提供国籍证明或外国公民证明,以此证明申请人或申请人的长辈(父母、祖父母),前罗马尼亚公民,自离开罗马尼亚以来首次获得外国国籍表明其授予日期; 请愿人或请愿人的长辈(父母、祖父母)、前罗马尼亚公民从罗马尼亚移民的日期;
In order to regain Romanian citizenship, it is advisable to use the services of a lawyer specialized in obtaining Romanian citizenship and immigration. This can help you to prepare the required dossier, thus having great chances of success. Also, if the Romanian National Authority for Citizens refuses to approve the applicant’s request, a lawyer may open a lawsuit to win this right for the client, says Romanian citizenship and immigration specialized lawyers from Pavel, Margarit & Associates Romanian Law Firm.
Pavel, Margarit & Associates Romanian Law Firm is one of the top law firms in Romania, which offers legal services at the highest quality, beyond clients expectations. The Law Firm approaches the cases with maximum professionalism and dedication. Its ultimate goal is obtaining exceptional results and achieving the clients objectives, in a time efficient manner. Among 帕维尔,男ărgărit & Associates 客户是顶级跨国公司和本地公司。 2018 年,罗马尼亚律师事务所的成功案例为最负盛名的国际指南和出版物带来了认可。 因此, Pavel, Margarit & Associates Romanian Law Firm 在位于英国伦敦的世界上最负盛名的律师事务所指南《法律 500 强》(Legal 500) 出版物中,在今年具有最相关专业知识的商业律师事务所排名中,在罗马尼亚排名第二。 该律师事务所还获得了 IFLR 1000 金融和企业指南 2018 的国际认可。 Pavel, Margarit & Associates 罗马尼亚律师事务所 也是伦敦全球法律专家主任推荐的罗马尼亚唯一一家律师事务所 纠纷解决 实践领域。 有关的所有相关信息 Pavel, Margarit & Associates 罗马尼亚律师事务所 包括执业领域和最重要的交易在内,可以在 网站上找到,该网站是罗马尼亚最复杂的律师事务所网站之一。