博士。 Radu Catalin Pavel 是 Pavel, Margarit & Associates 罗马尼亚律师事务所的管理合伙人兼创始人。 在超过 17 年的复杂而多样化的商业实践中,Radu 获得了广泛的专业知识,特别是在并购、公司和商业领域,为公司的顶级客户提供协助和提供世界一流的法律服务。
    尼古拉·玛格丽特(Nicolae Margarit)
    博士Nicolae Margarit是Pavel,Margarit&Associates的合伙人。 Nicolae Margarit博士法学律师在法律领域拥有丰富经验,在行政和公法,刑法和白领犯罪领域拥有30多年的实践经验。 他代表高素质的个人处理涉及洗钱,欺诈,贿赂,逃税和其他商业犯罪案件的广泛事务。
      克劳迪娅·帕维尔(Claudia Pavel)
      克劳迪娅·帕维尔(Claudia Pavel)是玛格丽特&帕维尔(Pavel,Margarit&Associates)的执行董事。 克劳迪娅(Claudia)是一名商业专业人士,在法律和经济学方面拥有研究经验,在资本市场拥有超过五年的从业经验,并在法律领域拥有超过十年的经验。 克劳迪娅(Claudia)曾与美国公司一起参与资本市场上的相关项目,在其中与世界各地的众多高净值人士进行了互动。 她积极参与了上市前公司,纽交所(NYSE)上市公司和房地产基金的融资。
        博士。 尼科莱塔·米雷拉·纳斯塔西
        博士。 Nicoleta Mirela Năstasie 是工业产权(商标和地理标志)方面的高级律师、破产从业者和顾问。 Nicoleta 在商法和破产法、陷入财务困难和重组的商业公司问题、国际私法以及这些领域的相关诉讼方面拥有丰富的经验,她曾担任律师 9 年,并担任过18年。
          Ioana Hubert 是一位资深律师、诉讼律师,在法律领域拥有超过 26 年的经验,其中担任律师 9 年,担任法官 17 年。
            Monica Timofte 是一位高级律师、诉讼律师,在罗马尼亚法院代表客户方面拥有超过 17 年的经验。 Monica 在罗马尼亚最大的律师事务所之一担任高级律师 8 年,积累了丰富的诉讼经验。
              律师 Řtefania Maciuceanu
              Řtefania Mǎciuceanu 是一位拥有超过 17 年专业经验的资深律师,自 2007 年起成为布加勒斯特律师协会会员。她是一位充满激情、才华横溢的诉讼律师,拥有丰富的诉讼经验,曾在罗马尼亚司法系统和欧洲法院成功代表当事人。仲裁程序,以及欧洲人权法院 (ECHR) 和欧盟法院 (CJEU)。
                PhD. OTILIA GHENICI
                Dr. Otilia Ghenici has over 15 years of experience in business law, specializing in criminal law for the last ten years. As a lawyer specialized in criminal law, Otilia has worked with renowned lawyers, with whom she has developed defense strategies in the most visible and complex criminal cases of recent years.

                  Anamaria Murguly

                  Anamaria is a Senior Lawyer with over 10 years of experience in Commercial, Corporate, and Public Procurement law, with extensive expertise in European legal frameworks, particularly in IT, real estate, and labor law. She provides strategic legal advice to a diverse range of clients, from rapidly growing start-ups to multinational corporations, helping them navigate complex regulatory environments and business transactions.

                    Teodora Baluță

                    ASSOCIATE LAWYER
                    Teodora is a methodical and organized professional, specializing in enforcement procedures, recognition of foreign judgments, company formation, Trade Registry operations, legislative research projects, contract drafting, insolvency, and civil litigation, being dedicated to protecting her clients' best interests.

                      Raluca Govor

                      ASSOCIATE LAWYER
                      As an associate lawyer with Pavel Margarit and Associates, Raluca has gained significant experience through active involvement in various fields of law, covering a wide range of legal matters and providing clients with appropriate legal support. Raluca has handled enforcement requests, claims and garnishment notices, providing essential support in the debt recovery process.