该公司、商业和并购部门是律师事务所的一个关键业务领域,其特点是其国际影响力以及我们团队对所有项目采取的多学科方法。 我们几乎所有的项目都是跨境的,与 Magic Circle 公司和来自世界各地的其他领先公司合作。
在M&A实践是我们公司内非常广泛和强大的实践。 我们在收购过程的各个阶段都有丰富的经验,从买卖协议、尽职调查报告、抵押协议到业务转让、与私营、国有或破产程序中的公司的合并或分立、合资企业等等。很少。
- Incorporation and Corporate Restructuring;
- → Company incorporation in Romania
- → Changing headquarters of a company in Romania
- → Dissolution and liquidation of a company in Romania
- → Appointment and Revocation of the Director
- → Share transfer in Romania
- → Change of NACE codes in Romania
- → Shares Sale Agreement in Romania
- → Opening a branch in Romania
- → Establishing a joint-stock company in Romania
- → Opening bank accounts for Romanian companies
- → Procedure for registration of ubo’s in Romania
- → Amendment of the articles of incorporation of a foundation in Romania
- → Extension or reduction of the duration of a company in Romania
- → Change of legal form of a company in Romania
- 股东协议(SHA);
- 公司治理;
- 股东纠纷解决;
- 抵押协议;
- 跨境交易和商业合同;
- 公司高管的潜在责任;
- 外商投资合同谈判;
- Day-to-day Consultancy;
- 尽职调查;
- 私人产权;
- 资产剥离和分拆;
- 合资企业;
- Memoranda;
- 私人或公共并购;
International Financial Law Review IFLR1000 2022

对于并购实践领域,IFLR 1000指南的评估包括:
资料来源:IFLR 1000,2022
International Financial Law Review IFLR1000 2020

- 协助 一家在伦敦证券交易所上市的多商品资源勘探和开发公司在多个司法管辖区进行勘探,处理各种重要的公司和商业事务,以便与全球最大的贸易公司之一 Mercuria Energy Trading SA 签订价值高达 3000 万欧元的预付款协议。 该交易是罗马尼亚采矿领域最重要的交易,涉及过去几年跨越罗马尼亚、英国和瑞士三个司法管辖区的此类财务协议。
- 协助 罗马尼亚第一个汽车共享平台 Airbnb for cars或直接从当地业主那里租赁汽车,以处理与在罗马尼亚设立和运营有关的所有商业和公司治理事宜。
- 协助了一个全球医疗器械公司位于美国佛罗里达州的骨科新产品开发和医学教育领域的领导者,为 HCP 和 HCO 提供与医疗产品销售相关的福利的建议,例如根据罗马尼亚法律的折扣和永久贷款(设备和仪器)。
- 协助了一个英国矿业公司,收购罗马尼亚一家矿业公司 20% 的股份。 该公司起草并谈判了买卖协议、增资协议和法律尽职调查报告。 除此之外,该公司还协助准备和谈判交易的担保文件。
Top Legal Expertise in Corporate, Commercial and M&A
The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Margarit and Associates offers top-tier legal services in the fields of Corporate Commercial and Mergers &Acquisitions in Romania with a team of corporate lawyers in Romania who efficiently address the specific needs of our clients.
Our team of business lawyers in Romania 和 lawyers specialized in Trade Register proceedings in Romania assists you throughout the entire process of establishing a company in Romania, from drafting the articles of association in Romania to obtaining the registration certificate and completing the procedures for registration in the Trade Register in Romania, we ensure that all legal aspects are covered in accordance with the Law no. 31/1990 on companies.
If your company requires subsequent changes, our lawyers specialized in Trade Register proceedings in Romania and business lawyers in Romania are ready to manage the necessary registrations. These include the change of company name in Romania, modification of the activity object (NACE codes in Romania), appointing the administrator in Romania, withdrawal of the administrator in Romania, and assignment of shares in Romania. These procedures are essential to ensure compliance with legal regulations and to update the registration certificate in Romania and it is recommended that a contract lawyer in Romania or corporate lawyers in Romania from our specialized team of commercial lawyers in Romania shall offer legal assistance throughout any formalities at the Trade Register.
With extensive experience in all stages of the Mergers and Acquisitions in Romania, our commercial lawyers in Romania provide expert legal advice until the transaction is finalized. Whether it involves due diligence in Romania, drafting and negotiating commercial contracts in Romania, divestitures and spin-offs in Romania, resolving disputes between shareholders in Romania, wrongful termination of contracts in Romania or drafting memorandum, we ensure that all aspects are handled with professionalism. Our commercial lawyers in Romania work closely with our clients to protect their interests and achieve strategic objectives.
Beyond company formation in Romania and modifications, our business lawyers in Romania or contract lawyer in Romania offer comprehensive services for managing the day-to-day operations of companies, including establishing and deregistering working points in Romania and ensuring that all necessary procedures are handled at the Trade Register. Our corporate lawyers in Romania are available to assist clients with all legal aspects related to the functioning and development of their business.
The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Margarit and Associates prides itself on a high level of expertise and professionalism in providing commercial law legal services in Romania. Over the years, our lawyers specialized in Trade Register proceedings in Romania have assisted numerous companies in Romania and abroad, offering personalized legal solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. We believe in the importance of attention to detail and collaboration with experts to ensure remarkable results and minimize legal risks for our clients.
By combining extensive knowledge in Corporate Commercial M&A in Romania with a practical, result-oriented approach, The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Margarit and Associates continues to be a trusted partner for all your business’s legal needs.