
类别: 民法

Loan Agreements

Lawyers for Investment and Loan Agreements in Romania.

What is the difference between a loan agreements and an investment agreements in Romania? This article covers the differences between a loan agreements in Romania and investment agreements in Romania, highlighting the nature and purpose of each agreement, as well as the essential elements involved in these types of contracts. While loan agreements in Romania […]

european payment order

Enforcement lawyer in Romania. How do you execute an European payment order in Romania?

How do you execute an European payment order in Romania? The need for continuous adaptation to changes in modern society has prompted the adoption of a law, namely the Regulation no. 1896/2006 establishing an European payment order procedure. The rationale behind the adoption of this regulation was to remove barriers to open and effective access […]


分割律师。 分区动作

Partition Action marriage partition divorce partition and partition in inheritance procedure in Romania According to the provisions of the New Civil Code, partition in Romania is the legal process to divide co-ownership in Romania or part the equitable interest in real property in Romania amongst co-owners. If those who exercise joint ownership do not proceed […]

Lease Contract in Romania

Lease Contract in Romania

Lease Contract in Romania According to the Civil Code, lease is the contract by which one party, called the lessor, undertakes to provide the other party, called the lessee, with the use of a property for a certain period in exchange for a price, known as rent. The lease of real estate and of movable […]


根据罗马尼亚立法,债权人可以通过多种方法通过解决纠纷来收回债务或债权,而无需启动法律程序。 在这方面,债权人可以在诉诸法院追收债务并解决争议之前选择其他争议解决方法,这就是为什么[...]


罗马尼亚的民事合同是经双方同意签订的,必须遵守罗马尼亚民法典规定的实质性和形式条件。 这些法律规定规定,任何违反法律规定的有效缔结条件而订立的合同都会导致合同无效,无论是绝对的[...]

对罗马尼亚 CNCI/ANRP 做出的决定提出上诉

归还罗马尼亚共产党政权没收的财产是对共产党暴行的谴责,也是对不公正行为的一种物质和精神补偿。 由于ANRP决定的解决时间较长,对无法直接归还的财产价值进行合理调整补偿应通过财产[...]


一般来说,请求权产生于当事人之间基于签署协议的法律关系。 大多数情况下,债权人在罗马尼亚友好地获得债务追偿,是解决争端的最快方式。 友好解决是罗马尼亚追回未偿债务的最有效方法[...]


从所有制形式来看,分为公有制和私有制。 私有财产是所有者在房地产法的条件下独占、绝对、持续地占有、使用、处置和控制罗马尼亚不动产的权利,这可能会对[...]

协议的终止和撤销。 在罗马尼亚民事诉讼中终止合同

根据罗马尼亚民法典,在罗马尼亚终止合同可以通过多种方式发生,主要原因通常是不遵守合同义务。 《罗马尼亚民法典》规定了在罗马尼亚终止合同的方式,其中包括在罗马尼亚终止和解除合同。 罗马尼亚的终止和解除是法律制裁 [...]