Company incorporation in Romania

Corporate attorneys in Romania. What does setting up a company entail?

The process of company formation in Romania is important and complex, requiring careful planning and adherence to current legislation. Thus, company incorporation in Romania involves not only administrative aspects but also decisions that will influence the future evolution and success of the business.

To ensure the legality of the procedures and that the choices you make are suitable for the type of activity you are undertaking, The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates recommends collaborating with corporate attorneys in Romania, as specialized legal assistance can be a crucial factor until the company formation in Romania process is completed.

When it comes to set up a company in Romania, one of the most important decisions is choosing the appropriate legal form. According to Law 31/1990, the legal forms under which commercial companies can be established in Romania include the general partnership in Romania, limited partnership, joint-stock company in Romania, limited partnership by shares, and limited liability company in Romania. Among these, the most commonly used and significant forms of commercial companies in Romania are the limited liability company in Romania (LLC) and the joint-stock company in Romania due to their characteristics and advantages.

Whether you aim to start a business in Romania or open a company in Romania, ensuring that you follow all legal procedures, including the drafting of the articles of association and registration of Trade Register mentions in Romania, is essential. The expertise of corporate lawyers in Romania can guide you through each step, from the initial setup to changes such as the change of the company’s headquarters in Romania.

Lawyer for company formation in Romania. Legal Basis

Law 31/1990 regulates the organization and functioning of commercial companies in Romania. According to this law, the process of company formation in Romania follows certain general steps, with some particularities depending on the chosen legal form. Moreover, to ensure that the establishment and operation of a company are entirely legal, in addition to Law 31/1990, compliance with the Civil Code, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Fiscal Code, and the Fiscal Procedure Code, as well as specific sectoral laws containing provisions for certain fields of activity, is required.

For those looking to set up a company in Romania or open a company in Romania, The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates recommends working with corporate attorneys in Romania. Their expertise is crucial for navigating the legal landscape and ensuring compliance with all regulations, including drafting the articles of association and registering Trade Register mentions in Romania. Whether establishing a limited liability company in Romania (LLC), a joint-stock company in Romania, or a general partnership in Romania, adhering to the proper legal framework is essential for a successful business start. Additionally, handling the change of the company’s headquarters in Romania and other legal modifications is a key aspect of their services.

Attorney for company formation in Romania. Parties eligible to participate in setting up a commercial company in Romania

In principle, any natural persons and legal entities can associate and start a business in Romania or open a company in Romania. These may be Romanian citizens or foreigners, residents or non-residents, provided they comply with the relevant legal provisions and the law on the regime of foreign investments, if applicable. They can be individual entrepreneurs, investors, business partners, or existing companies wishing to form a new commercial entity.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates can provide you with the necessary legal assistance regarding the steps to be followed for the registration of commercial companies in Romania, depending on the individuals who will enter into the association.

Lawyer for Trade Register mentions in Romania. Company Registration at the Trade Register

For a professional to conduct economic activity in Romania, it is necessary for them to first request the registration of the company at the Trade Register in Romania. In this context, the entrepreneur must consider, among other things, choosing the appropriate business object according to the economic activity to be carried out (establishment of CAEN codes), the procedure for reserving the name, establishing the registered office, the articles of association in Romania, the liability of the associates, or the share capital. Also, according to the provisions of Law 31/1990, the professional is obliged to submit to the Trade Register in Romania a series of documents necessary for the establishment of a commercial company, such as the articles of association in Romania, the declaration of real beneficiaries, the declaration under own responsibility, and other documents imposed by the Trade Register in Romania. Any changes can only be made through the Trade Register mentions in Romania.

A lawyer for company formation in Romania can guide you through the steps in the process of setting up and registering commercial companies in Romania, so that the commencement of economic activity can take place within the shortest possible time after submitting the series of documents required for the establishment of a commercial company.

Throughout the existence of the legal entity, it maintains a file whose records are kept by the Trade Register in Romania and which is drawn up based on the series of documents required for the establishment of a commercial company. These data must be periodically updated according to the changes that occur in the articles of association in Romania. Changes may include the establishment of a branch, closure of a branch, appointment of an administrator, withdrawal of an administrator, change of company name, transfer of shares, and others. It is important for the company to be responsible regarding the process of Trade Register mentions in Romania, as efficient management of the file at the Trade Register in Romania ensures proper record-keeping of information and contributes to the smooth operation of the company in front of the authorities. Additionally, a specialized lawyer from our team can provide you with personalized legal assistance so that the process of Trade Register mentions in Romania is as simple and fast as possible.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates invites you to avail yourself of the services of a lawyer for Trade Register mentions in Romania to ensure that any changes in the articles of association in Romania and essential information regarding your company’s activities are consistently updated to be valid and enforceable against third parties.

Lawyer for company formation in Romania. Limited Liability Company in Romania (LLC)

The limited liability company in Romania (LLC) represents one of the legal forms for which a prospective entrepreneur can opt when initiating company formation in Romania. One of its characteristic features is that the liability of the associates towards the company’s obligations is limited to their contribution to the share capital. Regarding the limited liability company in Romania (LLC) its share capital is divided into social parts that are transferable only among associates. Among the numerous advantages of a legal entity such as the limited liability company in Romania (LLC) are included the rapid process of formation and the limitation of liability for associates and administrators.

A lawyer for set up a company in Romania can assist you in fulfilling the legal formalities to establish the limited liability company.

Corporate lawyers in Romania. General partnership in Romania

The general partnership in Romania is a form of legal association created by the union of at least two associates who assume unlimited and joint responsibility for the company’s obligations, guaranteed by its social assets. What sets the general partnership in Romania apart from other commercial companies in Romania is the absence of a minimum limit for the share capital, and each associate has the right to vote, with decisions being made unanimously.

Considering the internationally recognized expertise of our team of corporate attorneys in Romania, The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates can assist you in the establishment process for a general partnership in Romania and beyond, ensuring that all procedures are followed in accordance with current legislation.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Margarit and Associates provides legal advice and legal assistance services in corporate law, especially regarding assistance in company incorporation in Romania. An attorney for company formation in Romania can support you to start a business in Romania, having great experience in company formation in Romania. In order to benefit from our professional support and for corporate lawyers advice, we invite you to fill in the contact form available on our website

Don’t navigate these challenges alone. Contact Us today for expert assistance tailored to your needs.

Lawyer for articles of association in Romania. Joint-stock company in Romania

A joint-stock company in Romania represents a form of economic activity in which the social capital guarantees the social obligations, and the shareholders are only responsible for the payment of the shares held. A joint-stock company in Romania can operate with a minimum of 2 shareholders, who can be both natural persons and legal entities. The ownership right to nominative or bearer shares can be freely transferred without requiring the consent of the other shareholders.

Last but not least, within a form of association such as a joint-stock company in Romania, there are numerous opportunities for business development and investments necessary for carrying out activities, and decisions are made based on each individual’s contribution to the company’s share capital.

Seeking the services of a legal professional, such as corporate attorneys in Romania for company formation in Romania or start a business in Romania or open a company in Romania is an essential step to ensure that whatever legal form of association you choose, it will be done legally and will not entail any legal consequences that could adversely affect your business operations.

Lawyer for Trade Register mentions in Romania. Deadlines for submission of documents required for company formation in Romania

The deadlines for submitting certain documents to the Trade Register in Romania may vary depending on their nature and the operations carried out. Thus, the documents required for the establishment of a new company must be submitted to the Trade Register in Romania within a period of 15 days from the date on which the articles of association in Romania were drawn up. For operations concerning modifications to the articles of association in Romania, which are made through the registration of mentions at the Trade Register in Romania, the documents must be submitted within 15 days from the date of adoption of the modification resolution.

Therefore, the company formation in Romania is a complex one and requires strict compliance with legislation, as well as administrative procedures. The foundations of a legal business are laid down with the preparation and submission of correct documentation within the deadlines provided by law to the Trade Register in Romania, appropriate to the chosen legal form of association.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates, through corporate lawyers in Romania or a lawyer for company formation in Romania or attorney for the change of the company’s headquarters in Romania that provides legal assistance and representation to all individuals wishing to enter the commercial market in Romania by associating in one of the legal forms provided for by Law 31/1990, tailored to their business needs and objectives.

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