What conditions need to be met in order to start enforcement proceedings in Romania?

The enforcement procedures in Romania is regulated by the Romanian civil procedure code, being a complex process through which a creditor in Romania can pursue a debtor in Romania to recover a certain, liquid, and due claim in Romania. The legislator has established a series of conditions to initiate forced execution in Romania against a debtor in Romania who has not voluntarily fulfilled the contractual obligation. This article analyzes aspects such as: the notion of forced execution in Romania, appeal against enforcement in Romania, demand for payment letter in Romania, the request for enforcement in Romania, and other issues related to the enforcement proceedings in Romania. The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates is internationally recognized for successfully assisting its clients in the enforcement proceedings in Romania. It is recommended to contact an enforcement lawyer in Romania or a civil lawyer in Romania to guide you on the essential steps to initiate enforcement proceedings in Romania against a debtor in Romania.

Enforcement lawyer in Romania. Enforcement proceedings in Romania– Notion

Enforcement proceedings in Romania involves the procedure through which a creditor in Romania can obtain the execution of the obligation by the debtor in Romania through state authorities. It is a quick means by which a creditor in Romania can recover an unpaid claim in Romania, the procedure being governed by the Romanian civil procedure code. Generally, the obligation is voluntarily executed by the debtor in Romania, but if the debtor in Romania fails to fulfill the obligation, the creditor in Romania has the option to initiate the enforcement proceedings in Romania by submitting an request for enforcement in Romania to the bailiff. An enforcement lawyer in Romania from our department can provide you with legal advice, analyzing the information and current legislation to ensure an efficient strategy.

Civil lawyer in Romania. Forced execution in Romania – Conditions

To initiate enforcement proceedings in Romania against a debtor in Romania, the Romanian civil procedure code has established a series of conditions and necessary steps to navigate the enforcement proceedings in Romania legally, correctly, and efficiently. The creditor in Romania must have a certain, liquid, and due claim in Romania against the debtor in Romania to start the forced execution in Romania. The certainty of the claim is determined by the fact that its existence results from an enforceable title in Romania. The claim in Romania is liquid when its object is determined or when an enforceable title in Romania contains the elements that allow its establishment. The due nature results from the fact that the debtor’s obligation has matured or the debtor in Romania has lost the benefit of the payment term. An essential condition in the enforcement proceedings in Romania is the existence of an enforceable title in Romania. The legislator has granted enforceable title status to documents such as appellate court decisions, first instance court decisions without the right to appeal, or those in which the parties have agreed to exercise direct appeal, arbitral awards, European enforceable titles, authentic documents, notarial enforceable titles, credit titles, or other documents recognized by law as having the power of enforceable title in Romania. It is recommended that a civil lawyer in Romania provides legal assistance in enforcement proceedings in Romania, playing an important role in ensuring compliance with legal procedures.

Forced execution lawyer in Romania. Request for enforcement in Romania

A creditor in Romania with a certain, liquid and due claim in Romania can start forced execution in Romania against a debtor in Romania through the request for enforcement in Romania sent to the bailiff. As soon as the request for enforcement in Romania is received, the bailiff, by order, will order its registration and the opening of the file or, if applicable, will refuse to open the enforcement proceedings in Romania with a reasoned decision. Within a maximum of 3 days from the registration of the request, the bailiff will request the court’s approval for forced execution in Romania. The debtor will be notified by a demand for payment letter in Romania to fulfill the obligation immediately or within the term granted by law, stating that otherwise, the enforcement proceedings in Romania will continue. Those interested or harmed by the forced execution in Romania can file an appeal against the enforcement in Romania, the decisions of the bailiff, as well as any enforcement act. The assistance provided by a forced execution lawyer in Romania is crucial in the enforcement proceedings in Romania for knowing and correctly following the steps necessary to successfully recover a claim in Romania.

“We recommend appealing to the services of a forced execution lawyer in Romania to navigate this complex procedure so that the creditor in Romania receives the necessary support to protect their interests,” stated Dr. Radu Pavel, Managing Partner of the Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates invites you to confidently seek the assistance of a civil lawyer in Romania who can offer the highest quality legal assistance and representation in recovering a claim in Romania through enforcement.

In conclusion, the enforcement proceedings in Romania is a quick means by which a creditor in Romania can recover unpaid claims that have matured and are established by an enforceable title in Romania. A specialized lawyer can provide you with information on aspects you should consider, such as: the notion of enforcement proceedings in Romania, the possibility of filing an appeal against enforcement in Romania by the debtor in Romania, demand for payment letter in Romania, the request for enforcement in Romania, as well as other issues related to the forced execution in Romania.

Pavel, Margarit and Associates Romanian Law Firm is one of the top law firms in Romania, providing high-quality legal services. The firm’s clients include multinational and domestic companies of great magnitude. In 2024, the law firm’s success stories brought it international recognition from the most prestigious international guides and publications in the field. As a result, Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm ranked 3rd in Romania in the Legal 500’s ranking of business law firms with the most relevant expertise. The law firm is internationally recognized by the IFLR 1000 Financial and Corporate 2024 guide. Additionally, Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm is the only law firm in Romania recommended by the international director of Global Law Experts in London in the Dispute Resolution practice area. All relevant information about Pavel, Margarit and Associates Law Firm can be found on the website www.avocatpavel.com.