Tag: European Union

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Draft Law by which a new category of vehicles is exempted from paying the environment stamp

In the draft law it is established that the vehicles used by units of the penitentiary administration system will be exempted from paying the environment stamp. The Prison Administration System is composed of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, which subordinates a total of 47 subordinate units. The approval from the Government of the above-mentioned draft […]

Starting from January 1, 2015 it shall enter into force the provisions of the Order of the Tax Administration regarding the registration of the telecom operators in the Mini One Stop Shop system

The provisions of art. 1524 of the Fiscal Code regarding the rules governing the scheme for electronic services, telecommunications, broadcasting provided by taxable persons not established in the European Union (non-EU regime) and art. 1525 of the Fiscal Code establishes rules on special arrangements for electronic services, telecommunications, broadcasting provided by taxable persons established in […]