Tag: shareholders

Juridical Updates 12 January 2024

The Romanian Law no. 15/2024 amending and completing the Law on cadastre and real estate advertising no. 7/1996 If, on the occasion of the cadastral measurements of buildings located outside the town, which were the subject of the land fund laws, it is found that the area of the measurements is larger than the area […]

How can associates change the Director of a Romanian company?

Romanian limited liabilities companies and joint stock companies can change their Directors at any time by the decision of the sole shareholder/associate or the decision of the general meeting of shareholders/associates, and this change must be registered with the Romanian Trade Register. The appointment of a new Director and his / her mandate should be […]

Timisoara Court of Appeal decision on the refusal of the administrator to convening the General Meetings of the Shareholders at the request of a shareholder

According to the facts of the case brought before the Court, as provided in the Articles of Association of the company defendant, the director convenes the general meeting of shareholders at least once a year or whenever necessary. Through the same Articles of Association was not performed an embodiment of convening the General Meeting of […]