Tag: working hours in Romania

Disputes regarding the individual employment agreement in Romania

The individual employment agreement in Romania is the legal basis between the employee and the employer, which establishes what rights and obligations the contracting parties have. There are several types of employment contracts in Romania that regulate the rights of the employer and the rights of employees, as well as their duties. Thus, the Romanian […]

Understanding Romanian labor laws: a guide for employers

As an employer in Romania, it’s essential to understand the country’s labor laws. Romanian labor laws are complex and governed by various regulations with which employers must comply. This guide provides an overview of Romanian labor laws and the legal obligations of employers. Introduction to Romanian labor laws Romanian labor legislation is designed to protect […]

The new amendments brought to the individual employment agreement and Labor Code in Romania

Starting with October 22, 2022, the Romanian Law no. 283/2022 entered into force in Romania for amending and supplementing the Law no. 53/2003 Romanian Labor Code, as well as the Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019 on the Romanian Administrative Code, and thus the employment agreement in Romania was amended. The main amendments to the […]