Tag: employee

conditions for engaging joint liability of the administrator

How can an individual employment contract be terminated?

The individual employment contract creates rights and obligations between the employee and the employer for the established period, forming an employment relationship between the parties. The Labor Code provides for 3 cases of termination of the individual employment contract/agreement: ipso jure, as a result of the agreement of the parties on the established date or […]

From 1st of January 2016 the tax for certain micro enterprises will drop to 1%

So, the general quota of tax revenue for Micro enterprises will continue to be 3%, but, by exception: for Romanian legal entities new  – incorporated having at least one employee, are incorporated for more than 48 months, their shareholders have not owned shareholdings in other legal entities will benefit from a tax rate of 1% […]

laptop lawyer property law

The Constitutional Court ruled that the employer cannot suspend the contract of the employee, in case of filleing against him a criminal complaint

Regarding this exception of unconstitutionality, the Constitutional Court decided on admission of it and found that the provisions of art. 52 paragraph (1) letter b) first sentence of Law 53/2003 – Labor Code are unconstitutional. According to the existing provisions of the Labor Code, the suspension of the individual labor contract can occur de iure, […]

Labor Code has been amended

The law amendment, introduced new articles on seniority, annual leave and salary o temporary employee, namely: 1. In Article 16, after paragraph (4) are introduce two new paragraphs (5) and (6) as follows: “(5) unexcused absences and leave without payment shall be deducted from the length in work. (6) are exempted from the provisions of […]

laptop lawyer property law

Can an employee which is on parental leave, for children aged up to one year or up to 2 years or 3 years in case of a disabled child, be fired?

This prohibition may be extended once, by up to 6 months after complete recovery of the employee / employee in the unit. Are excluded from the prohibition above mentioned, the situations where dismissal occurred as a result of judicial reorganization or bankruptcy of the employer, under the law, according to art. 25 paragraphs (4) of […]