Tag: Employers

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The law which amends the provisions relating to maternity protection at workplaces came into force

Under the new legal provisions, by “job” means the area delimited in space, depending on the specific labor, endowed with the means and materials necessary for the work, in order to achieve an operation, a work or for performing an activity by one or more performers, with their preparation and skills, in appropriate technical circumstances, […]

laptop lawyer property law

The provisions of art. 52 paragraph (1) letter b) of the Labor Code declared unconstitutional. Decision of the Constitutional Court

The Court finds that the provisions of art. 52 paragraph (1) letter b) of Law No. 53/2003 require a separate analysis of the two theses contained, the causes for the suspension of the individual labor contract being obviously different. This distinct examination has been detained also by Decision No. 81 of 26 February 2015 published […]

laptop lawyer property law

Order No. 161/2015 on amending and supplementing the Procedure for communication by electronic means between the National Agency for Fiscal Administration and individuals

According to the above – mentioned Order the actions assured and permitted by the service “Virtual private space are: a)     change of the users identification data and changing of the means of informing him; b)    the communication of the tax administrative documents, applications and other documents and information; c)     download of documents; d)    waiver to […]

laptop lawyer property law

Failure by employers to fulfill the legal norms on safety and health at work is sanctioned with fines of up to 10,000 lei

Also, the employer is obliged to organize the training of its employees in the sector of health and safety at work, periodically, and necessarily in the case of new employees, those who change their job or type of work and those who resume their activity after an interruption of more than 6 months. Also, the […]

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The risks of non-payment of social security contributions by employers

According to the said Order, it was approved the model, content, method of submission and management of the Declaration on payment obligations of social contributions and income tax records of insured persons. The nomenclature “subsidies/exemptions/reductions’” shall be amended and replaced by the Annex which is an integral part of the Order. In order to grant […]