Tag: enforcement in Romania

forced execution in Romania

Elimination of Court’s approval for forced execution in Romania and how to enforce a court decision more easily

How to enforce judgements more easily in Romania? One of the most significant legislative changes proposed at the end of 2024 is the removal of Court’s approval for forced execution in Romania when it involves court decisions. This change promises to streamline the process of civil enforcement proceedings in Romania and reduce the duration of […]

enforcement actions in Romania

Appealing the enforcement actions in Romania

Appealing the enforcement actions in the civil enforcement proceedings in Romania In the civil enforcement proceedings in Romania, the legislature has recognized the possibility of filing an appeal to forced execution in Romania (an appeal to the enforcement title in Romania), to the decisions issued by the bailiff, and against any enforcement actions in Romania. […]

revocatory action in Romania

Revocatory action in Romania

Annulment of acts made in fraud of creditors The revocatory action in Romania, also known as the paulian action in Romania, is a legal means through which creditors can request the annulment of legal acts entered into by debtors to avoid enforcement proceedings or debt recovery in Romania. This can be initiated by any creditor […]

demand for payment in Romania

Demand for payment in Romania

Methods of debt recovery in Romania In the current economic context, delays or failures to meet payment obligations between service providers, suppliers or contractors have become increasingly common. For a creditor in Romania, the first legal step in the process of debt recovery in Romania is often to send a demand for payment in Romania. […]

debt recognition agreement in Romania

Debt recognition agreement in Romania

What is a debt recognition agreement? A debt recognition agreement in Romania is an essential legal instrument in commercial and financial relationships. It formalizes the debtor’s recognition of existing claims, thus providing the creditor in Romania with stronger assurance for debt recovery in Romania of overdue debts. The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates […]

movable mortgage in Romania

Mortgage lawyer in Romania. The movable mortgage agreement

Establishing a movable mortgage right to secure the fulfillment of contractual obligations A movable mortgage in Romania is established through the conclusion of a mortgage agreement in Romania and takes effect from the date the secured obligation arises, at which point the mortgagor acquires rights over the mortgaged movable assets in Romania. A movable mortgage […]

debt recovery

Debt recovery lawyer in Romania. Debt collection process

Debt recovery lawyer in Romania. Debt collection process in Romania The Romanian legislator has provided that a creditor in Romania has several options for debt recovery in Romania, ensuring the protection of the right of claim in Romania. Generally, it is preferable for a debt to be recovered amicably through mediation in Romania, as this […]

european payment order

Enforcement lawyer in Romania. How do you execute an European payment order in Romania?

How do you execute an European payment order in Romania? The need for continuous adaptation to changes in modern society has prompted the adoption of a law, namely the Regulation no. 1896/2006 establishing an European payment order procedure. The rationale behind the adoption of this regulation was to remove barriers to open and effective access […]